Biosecurity insights from bananas to bees

The third Biosecurity Extension meeting was held online on 26 October 2021. Fifty extension practitioners working across plant and honeybee industries, met to hear insights from the Queensland incursion of Panama disease tropical race 4…

New Partnership with the Plant Health Committee

A collaboration between PBRI and the Plant Health Committee was supported at the August PBRI Committee Meeting. Deputy Chair of Plant Health Committee, Dr Anne Walters emphasised the importance of this partnership in developing plant biosecurity…

Biosecurity Extension Community meets again

Members of the Biosecurity Extension Community heard insights from a major incursion for the WA vegetable industry, tomato potato psyllid, and the benefits of the Biosecure HACCP program for the nursery industry.
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Over the horizon biosecurity workshop

PBRI members met on 24 April to hear about research focused on ‘over the horizon’ biosecurity threats, a high priority area for the members.

Sustainable pest management – a high priority investment area for the PBRI

The PBRI has scheduled a series of workshops across the year to explore current and proposed research around agreed high priority topics. The purpose of these workshops is to collaborate across sectors, building on existing research investments…

Reflecting on the International Year of Plant Health in Australia

2020 was declared the International Year of Plant Health by the United Nations General Assembly and as the year draws to a close, we can reflect on the opportunities we had to raise global awareness on the importance of plant health.

$50 million in plant biosecurity projects prioritised and coordinated through national collaboration

The protection of our $32 billion plant industries is a priority of the highest order, and this provides drive and focus for the collaborative Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative.

New partnership signed between Australian agencies to strengthen plant biosecurity

A new partnership aimed at strengthening plant biosecurity has been signed today between the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).
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Australia joins international plant health research network

Australia’s PBRI has signed an MOU with the European Phytosanitary Research and Coordination network, Euphresco.

EPPO–Euphresco Colloquium

The EPPO–Euphresco Colloquium ‘Plant Health at the age of metagenomics’ brought together scientists and regulators who are involved in plant health. By sharing experiences and information, together we can better understand the possibilities…
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